Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Best Way of Resume Writing - Tips to Write a Memorable Resume

The Best Way of Resume Writing - Tips to Write a Memorable ResumeSo, you want to know the best way of resume writing? Well, for most people, the answer is 'yes'. In fact, there are hundreds of ways of looking for a resume. Some people may choose the online way while some may consider having it printed.Of course, these days, there are thousands of employers who are very eager to find and hire job seekers. In the process, they will start by reading your resume to verify that it contains all the necessary information and that it has a good format.A professional resume writer can help you get in touch with the desired job. They have the capability to make you stand out among your competitors. You can learn the best way of resume writing from them. Here are a few tips that you should know:Start from the title. It should be given in the first paragraph and should not be repeated at any place in the resume. You should concentrate on presenting all the relevant information in this part.Inclu de all the contact information in the first paragraph. It should contain all the contact details of your previous employers and all the personal details in your name.Present your accomplishments. If you want to explain all the achievements that you had before, this can be done by writing a separate section of the resume. This section should also include other accomplishments that you had done in the past.Make sure that the resume is up to date. It should reflect your current position.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How Much Do Uber Drivers Get Paid Why Are Rides So Cheap

How Much Do Uber Drivers Get Paid Why Are Rides So Cheap For Uber to be a successful business, it must convince legions of drivers to be out on the roads constantly, willing to pick up riders for small amounts of money, with none of the benefits of full-time employment. It’s a terrific situation for riders, and for Uber obviously. But how does Uber get drivers to work under these conditions? A New York Times investigation published over the weekend found that Uber employs hundreds of data wonks and social scientists to figure out what incentives it can use to entice drivers to be available for work and pick up as many riders as possibleâ€"while being paid the least possible. As the article put it, since its beginnings Uber has engaged in an “extraordinary behind-the-scenes experiment in behavioral science to manipulate [drivers] in the service of its corporate growth.” For example, the Times found, drivers are inundated with text messages and emails alerting them about earnings goals and highlighting high-demand areas and times. With a deep understanding of psychology, Uber doles out “noncash rewards of little value” to “prod drivers into working longer and harder â€" and sometimes at hours and locations that are less lucrative for them,” the Times reported. Local managers sometimes reportedly adopt female personas when sending messages to drivers because the company seems to get better responses that way. Uber says that drivers are always free to work as much or as little as they want. But Ryan Calo, a law professor at the University of Washington, told the Times that the company’s masterful usage of data and psychological is exploitive. “We’re talking about this kind of manipulation that literally affects people’s income,” he said. [The New York Times]