Saturday, May 30, 2020

How to Measure the ROI of Your Employer Brand

How to Measure the ROI of Your Employer Brand Sponsored by Link Humans Calculating the return on investment of your employer brand has notoriously been very tricky. The value and impact of your efforts can be hard track. Therefore justifying investing your companys time, money and resources on your employer brand to your boss  becomes a real issue. As employer branding experts, we know that investing in your employer brand can improve your talent attraction and company culture in so many different ways. But we need to justify this with real data. Traditional methods There are a number of traditional ways to measure your employer branding efforts, here are a few important ones: Retention Rate: How many of your employees are you retaining per year? Employee Engagement: Is there an increase in productivity  of your employees? Quality of Hire: Are you getting an increase of quality applicants? Cost Per Hire: Have you saved money on each hire? Number of applicants:  Has your talent pool increased? Sure these are important and dont completely disregard them, but more often than not these data points are not solely based on your employer brand. Other factors might come into play. You might have a change in your consumer brand focus, that in turn effects of employer brand. Or you might be relocating the business due to unforeseen circumstances. So how do you actually measure your employer brand? For example, how do you measure if your work/life balance is improving, or if your benefits system truly works? Or even more important, how do you measure if the strategies you have put in place to improve your candidate and/or employee experience have actually worked? This is where the Employer Brand Index comes in. It dissects what people are saying online about you as an employer on user-generated sites, such as online forums, social media, and employer review sites, where employees, past and present, feel free to discuss their employers openly, without being in the confines of their office space. The Employer Brand Index categorizes and analyzes these findings into employer branding themes and highlights the specific aspects of your employer brand people are talking about the most, positively or negatively. Numbers matter! The Employer Brand Index then quantifies these findings into a single number on a 1-10 scale, 1 being the best and 10 being the worst, to easily equate what areas work and what areas dont. Because if you then periodically measure these areas over time, you can see how things are changing. You are able to find out if the employer brand objectives and strategies you have put your effort into have actually have benefited your company’s employer brand. It’s critical to know if the time and resources you put into your talent attraction program actually works right?  The Employer Brand Index gives you a single, tangible number you can use to articulate the status of your employer brand. So what’s the ROI of EBI? Finally, you have a tangible measure of how your Employer Brand ranks in the marketplace as a single number that can be tracked over time. You can use this to justify spend on Employer Brand and can measure the effectiveness of your initiatives. This will save money spent on employer branding efforts and strategies that DON’T work and allows you to focus your budget on those that DO! It will help you identify what your pros and cons as an employer truly are and allows you to concentrate your messaging on the reality rather than assumed core values. The Employer Brand Index action plan will help you form or refresh an EVP that represents your true reputation as an employer and to fix any issues highlighted. Want to have your companys employer brand online reputation evaluated? Learn more here.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Free Resume Format - How to Make a Free Resume Format for Templates

Free Resume Format - How to Make a Free Resume Format for TemplatesIf you have been on the job hunting scene for some time now and you are still stuck with no job and no opportunities for employment, then I would say it is quite clear that a lot of people want to learn how to make a free resume format in order to land the dream job they have always wanted. While it is true that there are still quite a number of people who do not have a job and they have been trying their best in order to land one, many others find it hard to get an interview even if they have done all their work in order to prepare for it. This is because they do not know how to create a good resume that would appeal to the employers and hence they tend to look for free resume formats for resume templates.The problem is that a lot of these free resume formats for templates are very easy to use and very generic in nature. They do not give enough information for the employer to make a decision whether to hire you or no t. The reason for this is that the employers need to make a decision whether to hire you based on your resume alone. Therefore, you need to take proper care of the details of your resume so that the employer can easily read it.The main concern in creating a free resume format for templates is that it should be attractive to the employer and not at all biased. You need to be fair in your approach and give the right impression to the employer as well. The fact is that the employer may be hiring you based on the first impressions and this means that you need to be as far away from any bias as possible.In order to be creative when creating a free resume format for templates, you need to be able to incorporate the good stuff in your resume as well. This means that you need to make sure that the information you provide about yourself is more extensive than what is necessary. It is important that you include your contact details, past jobs, work experience, educational qualifications, skil ls and even hobbies of yours in your resume.You can also highlight these details in a way that will make them stand out from other and make a good impression on the employer. Many employers expect to see that they are well informed about current affairs and thus they look for details like the education qualification of the candidate, the qualifications of the present employer, skills of the candidate and the status of the present employer. These details should be included in your resume so that you stand out among your competitors.Moreover, your free resume format for templates should make the employer appreciate the kind of person you are. Your personality, your style, and even your charm should be highlighted in your resume. You should also try to show that you are a hard working and punctual person.You can also use your skills to highlight your worth and thus portray a better impression to the employer. After all, the employer is looking for someone who is qualified and can perfo rm his/her job well, right?The main thing you need to remember when learning how to make a free resume format for templates is that your resume should be tailored according to the type of job you are applying for. For instance, if you are applying for a sales job, you should not focus on your academic qualifications and why you are qualified to fill the position as there is nothing wrong in highlighting these in your resume. However, if you are applying for a job as a project manager, it is necessary that you highlight your professional experience and skills so that the employer is impressed by your professionalism and such things.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Modern Professional A Free Ultra-Creative CV Template

The Modern Professional â€" A Free Ultra-Creative CV Template The Modern Professional â€" A Free Ultra-Creative CV Template Are you a budding film director, a graphic designer, writer, or a creative professional in another field? Does your job require a sense of design and style? Take a look at our ultra creative CV template. As always, there’s a place for a great headshot. But, it’s the layout here that really deserves all of the credit. It’s artistic and geometric, drawing extra attention to the strategic areas of your resume. One of the most popular features of this template is the dark background and light type that is on the right side of the page. This is where you’ll put your contact and profile information. Fill in the rest of your CV or resume with your education and work experience.What if you want to make some changes to this template? You are absolutely free to do this. Every template can be downloaded and changed in MS Word. Better yet, you won’t spend a dime for our templates. They are free! What better way to brand yourself as a creative professional. File size: 56 KB Format: . doc Downloaded 49,674 times License: Free, personal use only. Please read the license terms for resources. Download or go premium with the complete resume pack: previous article Plain in Purple â€" The Free Resume Design that Pops! next article How To Use Social Networking Sites to Land Yourself a Job you might also likeCadmium Yellow: Simple, Yet Elegant Resume Template

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Why Being Known as a Change Agent Can Add Significant Value to Your Personal Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Why Being Known as a Change Agent Can Add Significant Value to Your Personal Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Are you good at handling change? Or do you prefer to hide under the covers hoping change will leave you alone? In one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption, one prisoner takes a knife to a fellow inmates throat, hoping that committing another crime will extend his decades-long tenure behind bars rather than force him into a world that has completely changed around him. He leaves the guy unharmed and is set free, but after several weeks of feeling completely out of place on the outside, ends up hanging himself. Dealing effectively with change is something we should all strive to get good at since it will always be around us. Change is the only constant in life, says my friend Ariane de Bonvoisin, founder/CEO of Her book The First 30 Days: Your Guide to Any Change and Loving Your Life More teaches people the skills they need to face any change. I strongly believe that when we know we can handle whatever comes to us, we actually fear the future less. Therefore, adapting well to change, or even better, being able to ignite positive change within ourselves can make us a whole lot happier. But more importantly, being able to ignite positive change in others can make us a whole lot more valuable. With more than $11 billion spent in the self-improvement industry in the U.S. every year, the promise of change is attractive to individuals. More security, more money, better health are just some of the outcomes people chase, and if you can help them get there, you can be handsomely rewarded. The same is true at the organizational level. Billions of dollars are spent on consulting services and training programs in search of a more secure, more profitable, healthier future for the company. Even as an employee, there is little long-term reward in holding on to the way things have always been done. You may have been hired to perform a specific process thats been around for yearsa marketing campaign, a financial analysis, or distinct way of selling, for examplebut sooner or later, circumstances will force you to evolve the process. Implicitly or explicitly, your employer will expect you to find ways to work faster or with fewer resources, or to bring in more to the bottom line. Four way to be known for change Youll be in greater demand and advance your business or career more rapidly as an agent of change rather than an agent of the status quo. You dont have change your personal brand, just how you communicate it so its clear to those you want to work with that their lives and/or companies will be improved. Here are four ways to do that: 1) Lead with outcomes, not process. As last weeks post illustrated, people are less interested in what you actually do than in how they will benefit. So you have to focus on that first. Only when they feel the outcome is relevant and beneficial to them will they ask questions to understand the process better and what theyll have to do. Until then, however, theyre not likely to tune in. 2) Be excited about change. People often ask me how to be confident and upbeat at a networking event when they dont have a job. Somehow they feel embarrassed to tell people theyve been out of work for months, so theyd rather stay home than have that conversation. My answer instead is to focus on what youre looking for rather than what youve left behind. You dont have to go into a detailed story about your past and how you were let go. Instead focus directly on the future and say, Im looking for a position in health care administration because I really feel I can put my organizational skills to great use there and help a lot of people. 3) Add change stories to your communications. When writing Smart Networking, I knew I wanted to incorporate real-life networking stories to show how different people have used different relationship-building strategies to come out of their shell and use networking to succeed in their career or business. I thought they were a powerful addition to my own personal stories, as well as the specific step-by-step advice I was giving. You can include your own brief case studies and examples in your written or online materials as appropriate, as well as having them ready to share during face-to-face communications, like networking events and interviews. 4) Explain the cost of not changing. Change can be disruptive and painful. Often people will have to part with some money to buy the book, get the program, or hire the expert. Or theyll have to change their behavior. So sometimes they may be in denial about their situation and how badly the change is needed. While you dont have to poke at an open wound, dont sugar coat reality either. Simply asking a question like, What are you waiting to have happen before you know youre ready to take action? can shake them out of their numbness. In a fast-paced, competitive world, being adaptable to change and making change happen are skills you cant afford to do without. Theyre also skills you cant outsource. Change happens, resistance is futile. As Morgan Freeman said in The Shawshank Redemption, Get busy living, or get busy dying. The choice is yours. Author: Liz Lynch is founder of the  Center for Networking Excellence and  author of Smart Networking: Attract a Following In Person and Online (McGraw-Hill, 2008).  She writes, speaks and consults to experienced professionals on  how to seamlessly integrate social media and traditional networking to save time and accelerate results.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Resume Writing Pitch to Clients

Resume Writing Pitch to ClientsTo be a success in resume writing, you need to start by knowing what is the most important aspect of your resume. Here are some ways in which you can do this.First, you need to include the key aspects of your career. Remember that your information is for the purpose of helping the company to evaluate your abilities to take over a job. The company's objective in getting your resume is to know what to do with your future skills and abilities. Therefore, it is important that you offer relevant and helpful information in your resume.Second, you need to focus on what you will write on your resume. Remember that the first impression of the company on your prospective clients is based on how you made your first impression. So, you should write about your past achievements and skills to be used in the future.Third, your writing should be direct and concise so that it can be a major factor in the assessment of your capabilities. To make it easy for the employer to read, you should use a resume format. You may also find a resume template that suits your particular needs. The following tips will help you create a successful resume.Fourth, you should present your resume in a way that is helpful to the client's perspective. In other words, you should follow the direction that is laid out by the company, as the first step in making your resume effective. Also, it is very important to create a human connection with your prospects by talking to them.Fifth, you should write your information in such a way that it can match the interests of your client's perspective. Once again, you should match the information with the job role you are looking for. For example, if your job is to hire entry-level writers, then you should use examples that demonstrate this.Sixth, you should set up a checklist for writing a resume. This is to prevent making errors or omissions that might result in problems on your resume.Seventh, you should make sure that your resume is not a hit and miss. Instead, you should make sure that it provides a helpful overview of your personal information, job history, and work experiences. In addition, your resume should provide relevant keywords, phrases, and key information that are essential to the company's needs.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Doing Stupid Things Can Help You Focus

Doing “Stupid” Things Can Help You Focus There’s nothing like doing something “stupid” to help you focus. What do I mean by “stupid”? Well, it’s those things you do that are unnecessary and kind of inexplicable. Making mistakes you rarely make. Making an “own goal”. Here’s a recent example of how this works (and how it can work out): In last week’s basketball tournament, my husband’s team was favored to win (he’s the coach). Within the first 5 minutes, his starting point guard â€" the one who runs the plays and handles the ball â€" picked up 3 fouls (5 fouls means you’re out of the game, and games last 40 minutes in the UK, so this was bad news). Another starting player also picked up her 3rd foul within the first 7 minutes. Doubly bad news. These were silly fouls that served no purpose, and put a real dent in the team’s ability to win. He pulled them out of the game for quite a while until the other team not only caught up but raced ahead by 6 points. Then he put the two of them back in. You could tell immediately that these two players were now focused. They were out there to “get it done” (to quote Olivia Pope from TV show Scandal). Our team pulled ahead to win by 22 points. And no more fouls from either player. After the game, we talked about how sometimes it takes making a really dumb mistake to get your head back in the game. Literally, in this case. In your career, this same kind of “complacency”, “fuzzy thinking” or being “too relaxed” can cause you to make comparably stupid mistakes. When that happens, you’re allowed to beat yourself up about it, but only just enough so that you’re shaken out of complacency mode and into focus mode. That’s the space where you can do your very best work and perform to your potential. Of course, it’s best to skip the mistakes and go straight into focus mode. But in real life, that’s not always going to happen. So when you find yourself in that inevitable human moment of doing something dumb, make use of that “wake up call” to help you focus, dig yourself out of the hole you’ve put yourself in, and win. How do you bounce back from those momentary lapses? What experiences can you share that might help someone get back in focus mode?

Friday, May 8, 2020

I screwed up. Choose my punishment. - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

I screwed up. Choose my punishment. - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog We currently have 500 people around the world beta-testing HeartCount, a better way to measure?team happiness, and last Friday the system?had a couple of fairly serious bugs. That sucks. Were only two weeks into the beta period and my biggest fear is that this will make users?lose faith in the system. However,?weve also previously written about why we should celebrate mistakes at work and this is no exception. So I just sent out an email to the users?where I apologized for the mistake AND asked them to vote on a suitable punishment. Here are the options: Currently Sing a song is?in the lead :) Related posts Top 5 Reasons To Celebrate Mistakes At Work Allow yourself to?make mistakes in public You failed how awesome! Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related